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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Bozna factory.

Export of Products

Export of Bozna products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Bozna products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Bozna: oil metering units, measuring lines, oil quality control units, block installations, turbine oil and gas meters
  • Measuring installations Bozna
    Measuring installations
    AGZU-120M, KTS-IU, etc.
  • Dosing units Bozna
    Dosing units
    BR, UDE, NDU, etc.
  • Flow meters Bozna
    Flow meters
    MASK, MIG, VEGA-03, etc.
  •  Oil production control systems Bozna
    Oil production control systems
    Standard, VORTEX, MAVIK, etc.
  • Moisture meters Bozna
    Moisture meters
    VSN-2BN, etc.
  • Devices for measuring systems Bozna
    Devices for measuring systems
    MIG, BKN-O, etc.
  • Instruments for well research Bozna
    Instruments for well research
    PG-1000, SPI-01, KSP-4, etc.
  • Block-modular rooms Bozna
    Block-modular rooms
  • Repair kits Bozna
    Repair kits
    URK, KR, etc.
  • Pneumatic motors Bozna
    Pneumatic motors
    PM-60, PM-250, PM-500, etc.
  • Motor pumps Bozna
    Motor pumps
    NMR-100, NMR-200, etc.
  • Rotary flow meters Bozna
    Rotary flow meters
    TOR-1M, etc.
  • Roller-blade counters Bozna
    Roller-blade counters
    ORS et al .
  • Magnetoinduction sensors Bozna
    Magnetoinduction sensors
    NORD-I1U, NORD-I2U, etc.
  • Electronics Bozna
    NORD-E3M et al.


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